Dobraia Wind Farm – Sureanu Mountain Range

Dobraia Wind Farm – Sureanu Mountain Range


Performed works

Sureanu Mountain Range belongs to the Șureanu-Parâng-Lotru Mountains (Meridional Carpathians). This consists of metamorphic rocks, as represented by crystalline schists and daylight granitoids within central, northern, and eastern sides, and sedimentary formations within western and south-western sides (limestones and sandstones – predominantly).

Lithologically speaking, the soil is homogenous on horizontal, being divided in three units: topsoil, regolith (fragments of weathered rock with sand intercalations) and base rock (gneiss, mica-shale, granite, marble).

The geotechnical investigations have been conducted in three stages, and have included the followings:

  • 22 geotechnical boreholes with depths comprised between 6.5 m and 20.5 m.
  • 20 alignments through refraction seismic measurements, in order to establish the dynamic parameters
  • Laboratory tests: physical properties, mechanical parameters
  • Mechanical tests on natural stones
  • Mineralogical and petrographical analyses

Based on the laboratory tests and data supplied by the designer, calculations have been made to verify the foundations, for designing case 1. All necessary verifications have been performed.